Thursday, September 9, 2010

Theme and Goal for Gravity Shift

Today we had the whole class time to work more on our game pitches. Remember that we have to come up with a working  and playable prototype in less than two weeks. We had to come up with a theme and a goal for the game. We are going to focus on those two things for the presentation.

We have been working on the pitch a bit and we've decided on this. We've decided to place the video game in space on a giant space station. We replaced the red ball with a man that lost the ability to use his limbs in an accident, which is why he is trying to get out of the space satiation. But in the accident that caused him his limbs, he gained the power to control gravity. He's using his new powers to escape.

We decided that the theme is going to be "urgency". The players will have a certain time limit to clear a level before the space station blows up. The goal of the game is to make it out of the space station alive.

That's all for now. I still need to work on the art that was suppose to be done today. I'll get it done over the weekend and post it here when I'm done.

Thanks for reading.

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