I have finished this homework assignment for this week. This time around we had to make a program that would generated the Fibonacci sequence for however many number the user wanted and we had to make a really simple version of the die game Yahtzee.
I actually used a lot of the same code I made last week, so I didn't have to sit there for a long time making sure the little stuff worked and I could focus on the main logic of Yahtzee since it took longer than I thought it would.
import random
import math
import sys
import time
#This function suspends the thread for a given amount of seconds
def sleeper(seconds):
#Assigns a random number to the dice
def rollDice():
tempInt = random.randint(1,6)
return tempInt
#This function runs the Fibonacci sequence
def fibonacci():
finalSequence = []
aInt = 0
bInt = 1
count = 0
#Player decides how many digits of the fibonacci sequence they want
amount = eval(input('How many digits of the sequence do you want? (At least 2) '))
print(" ")
#This checks to makes sure the number will always be an interger
amount = math.floor(amount)
#This checks to make sure its a valid entry
if amount < 2:
print("That is not a valid entry!")
print(" ")
#If the player just wants to see 2 digits then we print them right away
elif amount == 2:
#If the entry is valid, then execute code
while (count < amount - 2):
tempInt = aInt + bInt
aInt = bInt
bInt = tempInt
count = count + 1
print(" ")
#Makes the list of which to roll
def makeListOfDice(tempString):
tempString = tempString.split()
return tempString
#This function scores the player's current set of dice
def score(tempString, finalScore):
#checks for Yahtzee
if tempString.count(6) == 5 or tempString.count(5) == 5 or tempString.count(4) == 5 or tempString.count(3) == 5 or tempString.count(2) == 5 or tempString.count(1) == 5:
finalScore += 50
print("Your Score is:",finalScore)
print(" ")
#checks for Full House or Three of a Kind
elif tempString.count(6) == 3 or tempString.count(5) == 3 or tempString.count(4) == 3 or tempString.count(3) == 3 or tempString.count(2) == 3 or tempString.count(1) == 3:
if tempString.count(1) == 2 or tempString.count(2) == 2 or tempString.count(3) == 2 or tempString.count(4) == 2 or tempString.count(5) == 2 or tempString.count(6) == 2:
finalScore += 30
print("FULL HOUSE!")
print("Your score is:",finalScore)
print(" ")
finalScore += 20
print("THREE OF A KIND!")
print("Your score is:",finalScore)
print(" ")
#chekcs for Four of a Kind
elif tempString.count(6) == 4 or tempString.count(5) == 4 or tempString.count(4) == 4 or tempString.count(3) == 4 or tempString.count(2) == 4 or tempString.count(1) == 4:
finalScore += 25
print("FOUR OF A KIND!")
print("Your score is:",finalScore)
print(" ")
#checks for Small Straight
elif tempString[0] == 1 and tempString[1] == 2 and tempString[2] == 3 and tempString[3] == 4 and tempString[4] == 5:
finalScore += 35
print("Your score is:",finalScore)
print(" ")
#checks for Large Straight
elif tempString[0] == 2 and tempString[1] == 3 and tempString[2] == 4 and tempString[3] == 5 and tempString[4] == 6:
finalScore += 40
print("Your score is:",finalScore)
print(" ")
#this just adds the faces together
finalScore += tempString[0]
finalScore += tempString[1]
finalScore += tempString[2]
finalScore += tempString[3]
finalScore += tempString[4]
print("Your score is:", finalScore)
print(" ")
#This function will run the yahtzee game
def yahtzee():
print(" ")
diceList = []
finalScore = 0
for i in range(0,5):
print("First roll you got:",diceList)
print(" ")
whichList = input("Which die/dice would you like to reroll? Or just press enter to keep what you have. ")
print(" ")
whichList = makeListOfDice(whichList)
for i in whichList:
diceList[int(i) - 1] = rollDice()
print("Second roll you got:",diceList)
print(" ")
whichList = input("Which die/dice would you like to reroll? Or just press enter to keep what you have. ")
print(" ")
whichList = makeListOfDice(whichList)
for i in whichList:
diceList[int(i) - 1] = rollDice()
print("Third roll you got:",diceList)
print(" ")
score(diceList, finalScore)
#This function will run the next game if the player wants to start again
def playAgain():
decision = input("Would you like to play again? Y/N ")
print(" ")
decision = decision.lower()
if decision == "yes" or decision == "y":
print("See you later!")
#main function
def main():
playerChoice = eval(input("Press 1 to see the Fibonacci Sequence or 2 for Yahtzee: "))
print(" ")
#This makes sure that the number will always be an integer
playerChoice = math.floor(playerChoice)
#This checks to make sure the entry is a valid entry
if playerChoice < 1 or playerChoice > 2:
print("That is not a valid entry!")
print(" ")
#If the entry was valid, then execute code
elif playerChoice == 1:
print("You have chosen the Fibonacci Sequence!")
print(" ")
print("You have chosen Yahtzee!")
#Starts the sequence