Thursday, March 24, 2016

CS 2420 - Assignment 5 - Part 5

So I just turned in my assignment a few minutes ago, and this is probably the hardest assignment yet. Most of the assignment was really simple actually, but the most challenging part was building the Expression Tree in the correct order.

This is because you have to keep the order of operations in mind when building the tree, Once the tree has been built in the correct order, its just a matter of doing a post-order traversal and evaluating as you go up the tree.

I kept thinking about how I should do this, and after talking to one of my friends, we realized that node rotations would be the simplest way to do it. So here is my code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Assignment5
    public TreeNode<string> root;

        public ExpressionTree(string input)
            root = null;
            ExpressionParser parser = new ExpressionParser(this, input);

        private class ExpressionParser
            private Stack<TreeNode<string>> numberStack, operatorStack;

            public ExpressionParser(ExpressionTree tree, string input)
                numberStack = new Stack<TreeNode<string>>();
                operatorStack = new Stack<TreeNode<string>>();
                string[] expressionArray = new string[input.Length];
                expressionArray = input.Split();

                BuildNodes(tree, expressionArray);

            private void BuildNodes(ExpressionTree tree, string[] expressionArray)
                foreach (string item in expressionArray)
                    double tempNumber;
                    if (double.TryParse(item, out tempNumber))
                        TreeNode<string> number_node = new TreeNode<string> 
                            { Data = tempNumber.ToString() };
                        TreeNode<string> operator_node = new TreeNode<string> 
                            { Data = item };


            private void BuildTree(ExpressionTree tree)
                while (operatorStack.Count != 0)
                    TreeNode<string> tempRoot = operatorStack.Pop();
                    tempRoot.Right = numberStack.Pop();
                    tempRoot.Left = numberStack.Pop();

                    if((tempRoot.Data == "*" || tempRoot.Data == "/") && 
                        (tempRoot.Right.Data == "+" || tempRoot.Right.Data == "-"))
                        tempRoot = tree.RotateLeft(tempRoot);
                TreeNode<string> subTree = numberStack.Pop();
                tree.root = tree.RotateLeft(subTree);

        private TreeNode<string> RotateLeft(TreeNode<string> currentNode)
            TreeNode<string> tempNode = currentNode;
            currentNode = currentNode.Right;
            tempNode.Right = currentNode.Left;
            currentNode.Left = tempNode;
            return currentNode;

        public void Evaluate(TreeNode<string> node)
            if (node.Left != null)
            if (node.Right != null)
            switch (node.Data)
                case "+":
                    double addResult = double.Parse(node.Left.Data) + 
                    node.Data = addResult.ToString();
                    node.Left = null;
                    node.Right = null;
                case "-":
                    double subResult = double.Parse(node.Left.Data) - 
                    node.Data = subResult.ToString();
                    node.Left = null;
                    node.Right = null;
                case "*":
                    double multResult = double.Parse(node.Left.Data) * 
                    node.Data = multResult.ToString();
                    node.Left = null;
                    node.Right = null;
                case "/":
                    double divResult = double.Parse(node.Left.Data) / 
                    node.Data = divResult.ToString();
                    node.Left = null;
                    node.Right = null;
                case "^":
                    double expResult = Math.Pow(double.Parse(node.Left.Data), 
                    node.Data = expResult.ToString();
                    node.Left = null;
                    node.Right = null;

        public string TraversePre(MyList<string> list, TreeNode<string> node)
            if (node.Left != null)
                TraversePre(list, node.Left);
            if (node.Right != null)
                TraversePre(list, node.Right);
            return string.Join(", ", list);

        public string TraverseIn(MyList<string> list, TreeNode<string> node)
            if (node.Left != null)
                TraverseIn(list, node.Left);
            if (node.Right != null)
                TraverseIn(list, node.Right);
            return string.Join(", ", list);

        public string TraversePost(MyList<string> list, TreeNode<string> node)
            if (node.Left != null)
                TraversePost(list, node.Left);
            if (node.Right != null)
                TraversePost(list, node.Right);
            return string.Join(", ", list);

I was not able to make my Binary Search Tree self balancing. I know what I need to do, but I never had time to actually implement the code. I will try to finish writing the code and post it here when I'm done with my AVL tree.

Anyways, that's all for now. Thanks for reading!

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